New Features:
- Cloning
1- Clone Automation
If you want to create a new automation similar to one you already have with minor differences you can do the following:
- Simply click on the three dots menu
- Select Duplicate
- And you will be taken to a replica of the current automation for you to edit and publish
2- Clone Form:
If you created one long form, and you need a new one that is similar to the one you created with a few differences, we have good news for you:
- Click on the three dots menu
- Select duplicate
- Edit, save and you’re good to go
3- Clone Report
- Click on the three dots menu
- Select duplicate
- Update the cloned report anyway you like, save it, and voilà
- Automation
1- Handling Multiple Cases
Automation can now handle multiple cases
- Add Condition
- Then Add Action
- Add another Condition
- Add an action under the that condition
- Repeat as much as you like
2- Find Record
Apply one case to all records that matches a certain criteria. Chose find record from the Action type then follow those steps:
- Select Application
- Select List
- Select View (Optional)
- Find by will help you build the criteria to find records and take action.
Find record will execute the selected action for the records that meet the criteria selected.